
Connection, Symposium, Fiesta de arte, Tennenlohe, Germany, 2024

The sculpture called Connection connects the present with history, new technologies with natural material and tries to introduce an interactive element into the sculpture without using any external source. It aims to connect not only technology, but also a person with the work itself. The megaphones placed in the stone are meant to serve as hearing aids, with which you can listen to the stone and when you put your ear to it, you can hear an echo. In imagination, we can also see through the stone and thus be a part of its entire history, layer by layer. The stone is drilled through in three places, a 3D printed plastic megaphones are always placed at one end.



€100, group exhibition SCOOTER VI. – young art event, Ján Koniark Gallery, collaboration with Andrea Uváčiková, Trnava, 2024

The installation, in which we decided to 3D print from a water-soluble (environmentally friendly material) our promised fee for the exhibition, €100, reflects the crisis of remuneration for artistic work, which is often performed at best for the cost of the material, at worst for free or for a small fee. In the long term, such a situation is unbearable for artists, both from a financial point of view and also from the point of view of personal motivation and the threat of burnout. In the broader discourse, we continue the debate on the status of the artist as one of the possible solutions to this crisis. The work is procedural, gradually dissolving due to exposure to conditions (rain, wind, etc.).


Decimation, group exhibition OUT OF MIND OUT OF SIGHT, KUMST, collaboration with Andrea Uváčiková, Brno, 2024

Decimation is a set of two light interactive objects that have a basis in the elemental natural shapes of stone and mountain. The work illustrates man’s relationship with nature and the transformation that is omnipresent. In my reasoning, I start from the belief that what man creates is natural to us and therefore natural, so transformation does not always have to be fundamentally bad. The entry of man is essential here, therefore his approach to the objects turns the noise of nature into digital noise and thus opens up space to reflect on the similarities of these two worlds. Decimation is thus a statement of the current or even future digital world in which we hide and escape from the real one. The term decimation is derived from one of the functions that was used in the creation of objects and at the same time resembles the term decimated, which can well describe this transformation or the state of a person. We can thus say that the objects adopt the means of expression of the digital environment and thus depict the transformation of the world around us.