
TXT.5.0, realization in open space, Cuckoo 8, life is elsewhere, in cooperation with Andrea Uváčiková, Ostrava, 2019

The txt.5.0 project consists of a set of five words printed in 3-D using water-soluble material which are placed in public spaces in Ostrava. Text has always been associated with the dissemination of information and it is a basic means of communication. Texts were mediated via print, because it was through this medium that information was most easily disseminated. However, in the “liquid times”, as Zygmunt Bauman calls the present day, such information fades away, and texts and images become fluid, incomprehensible, just like life itself, which is here but also elsewhere. The words chosen by the artists associatively relate to the environment where they are placed. Taken together, however, they also imply a more general message about our lives, but only for a while, until they are lost in the flow of time (and water). The individual writings are accompanied by leaflets on which the text objects are imprinted from four illegible sides, thus freely referring to the abstract language of modernist works, while reminding the origin of contemporary fluid reality in the modernist pressure for innovation and in putting the new above the essential. Tomáš Knoflíček, curator